Amanda's Poems

My dog ate my homework!

Last night I went to bed really late

And I didn’t have my math homework done

Because I went on a fancy date

The restaurant had nice, warm buns.


This morning I tried to do my math

When I went upstairs my homework dropped on the floor

And my dog came in from his bath

As I walked downstairs I saw pieces of my homework by the door


When 3rd period came, I walked into the math room

I had said, “Sorry my dog ate it!”

He was so mad that he whacked me in the head with a broom

To clean my wound I grabbed his first aid kit


At the end of the day

I told him the whole truth

He said, “Girl, stay in school, and make your life my way.”

When he turned around he had ran into a booth


In truth my homework was eaten by a dog

Even though my teacher didn’t believe me

He now hates me and every time he sees me he thinks of a dirty, place like fog

All because of my dog lee
