Amanda's Poems

Figurative Language Packet

Simile: A simile is a comparison between two unlike objects using the words like, as or than.


1.     Nate ran through the woods like a cheetah running after its prey in the desert.

2.     The grass is as green as the brand new lazy boy chair my parents got.

3. Cara's friend was a lot skinner than a twig. 


Metaphor: A metaphor is a comparison of two unlike things or ideas without using the words like, as, or than.


1.   The Moore’s house is a zoo with all of the pets living in their house.

2.   Summer is warmness with the hot beating sun on my face.

3.   The curves in the road were a snake with all of its twists and turns.  



Hyperbole: A hyperbole is an obvious over extreme exaggeration comparing two things.  


1.  “I had so much homework last night that I needed one of those moving trucks to carry all my books in.”

2.  “By the time she gets here it will be winter. And its spring now!”

3.  “Sarah has such a big smile it covers her whole face!”



Alliteration: is the repletion of the same SOUND or letter in a group of words. It helps to form a pattern in poetry. At least three of the same sounds.


1.     The lazy lizard lingered after its prey because it was hungry.

2.     Susie Sally and Marissa went to the sauna for slippery relaxing time at the spa.

3.     Time travels but stop and think who is there for you.



Personification: is giving human forms characteristics or qualities to animals, objects, or ideas. A lifeless thing or quality is spoken of as alive.


1.  The wind was running through the air as the storm was coming.

2.  “Last night I couldn’t find my sneakers. I think they ran away from me.”

3.  His heart was sad when the girl of his dreams said no to go out with him.



Onomatopoeia: is the use of words that sound the same as they mean.


1.      SPLASH! SPLASH! Went the water after my friends and I jumped in the pool.

2.    WOOF! WOOF! Went my dog during dinner because she wanted food.

3.    After my sister got mad she ran upstairs and I heard the door go, BANG!