Amanda's Poems

Do you know who I am?

I am funny and shy

I wonder what I’ll be when I grow up

I hear my daddy snoring during the night

I see the buzzer turn red after I scored a goal

I want to own a million dollar house so I can rescue a ton of pets from the animal shelter

I am funny and shy


I pretend that its summer and my sisters and I are going down the track of a roller coaster screaming as loud as we can

I feel sad when I get a bad grade on a test

I touch the blue soft blanket after coming back from a game

I worry that I will give up on something that’s important to me

I cry when I think about my cat, Sammy, who died a couple years ago

I am funny and shy


I understand that life gives you sad moments that you have to get pass

I say that everyone has a right to speak what’s on their mind

I dream about stuff that’s going on in my life

I try to be a good friend, student, and kid to my friends, teachers, and parents

I hope that when I grow up I will be in the Olympics to win a gold medal

I am funny and shy
